Al Amin Justice Foundation


Founder/Director: +44 7957854101  +233 54 400 1230, Admin: +233 549315221


Since 2019, the Foundation has extended its generosity to over seven hundred orphans in Ghana with the provision of food items and clothes aiming to put smiles on the faces of orphans during the two major Islamic Feast (Eid-Fitr and Eid- Adha).
The Foundation has also sponsored some orphans with a scheme using 100% of membership dues to caters for their school fees, clothing and upkeeping allowances.(See photos)

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem was-salaat was-salaam `ala Nabiyyina wa Habeebina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa `ala alihi wa sahibihi ajma`een

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. We send salaam to our Prophet, our Friend, our Leader, Muhammad, his household, and his companions all together. 

Following a social media appeal for funds to purchase some cows as Qurbani (Islamic Animal Sacrifice) for orphans at the Ejura District of the Asante Region (Ghana) in 2018, Eng. Hajj Amin Ruprecht of Stoke-on-Trent, UK learnt about the numerous charitable activities a local Islamic teacher called Malam Musah Salih had been championing in the Ejura township and its environs. This was enough motivation for Eng. Hajj Amin Ruprecht to conceive the idea of establishing a Foundation under the name Justice Yateem Foundation (JYF) that would be dedicated to taking care of orphans by meeting their spiritual, material, and educational needs in line with the precepts of the Holy Qur’an and the traditions (Hadiths) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

In pursuance of this noble objective after deeper concerns for the plights of orphans in Ghana and elsewhere, Eng. Hajj Amin Ruprecht as founder then teamed up with like-minded people in the persons of Malam Musah Salih and others as directors to establish the Foundation.

An Ad Hoc Committee was established to draft a constitution for the foundation. The members worked determinedly to produce a constitution, which was adopted on the 1st January 2019.

To improve the management and enhance accountability with minimum influence, Eng. Hajj Amin Ruprecht again founded and registered another foundation with the same objectives under the name AL Amin Justice Foundation (AJF) in December 2024 and invited his son Farid Alfa-Ruprecht as a second Director.

In agreement with the directors of Justice Yateem Foundation, JYF was dissolved in January 2025 and handed merged into AL Amin Justice Foundation (AJF) as an independent charity organisation with the same objectives as JYF.

Membership is open to all Muslims and non-Muslims alike who are willing and ready to support orphans (see Constitution).

Recent News​

Programmes and Activities

It has also been providing platforms for Islamic teachings and moral guidance for their taribiyyah (growth) as Muslim and Muslimat which are necessary in order to unearth their Allah’s given talents that could have gone unnoticed if we are unconcerned about the plights of orphans. 

We pray to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to bless our efforts and accept them as Ibadah for us. Ameen.

Wakafa billahi waliya, wakafa billahi naseera (Surah An-Nisa: 45)(And Allah is sufficient as a friend, and Allah is sufficient as a healper)



Funds for programmes come from members’ dues, zakat, zakatul fitr, and sometimes special fundraising. Also, the Foundation puts some funds in farming and transport ventures and the proceeds are then channeled to taking care of the orphans. Furthermore, the Foundation has been receiving contracts from Muslim individuals and family to construct well as sadaqa jariyah (continuous charity) for themselves or their deceased loves. And from these contracts, the Foundation enjoys some percentage of funds to take care of the orphans (see photos well projects). So far, Alhamdullah. The Foundation’s activities and programmes continue to receive barrage of appreciations and commendations from well-meaning Muslims and Non-Muslims including the traditional chieftaincy institution in Ghana. 

We, therefore, use this opportunity and platform to call on Muslims and non-Muslims who share our vision in extending our generosity to vulnerable orphans to joins us either through membership and/or donations for our programmes and activities. 



The fact that you have reached here means you are either interested to know more about us, or ready to donate or for motivation purposes. In any way, we are grateful for your visit and hope you can become one of Us

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